Using an Ecobee Thermostat with a Millivolt Heating System
We’ve always been using an old simple thermostat for use with the house’s stove which uses a millivolt connection. This is the only heating appliance in the house, and there’s no AC (perks of living in Washington). But recently, I decided that it was time to upgrade to a smart thermostat.
Project Diva X Review
For those new to the series, X is the third project diva game on the Playstation Vita. The two others are f and F2nd, which are the same game for the most part with different song lists and minor changes. The basic gameplay is a rhythm game based around the playstation shape buttons, hitting the right notes in time with the music. You can watch a few gameplay videos or try to the demo to find out if it clicks for you or not pretty quickly.
Applying to the WWDC scholarship
I submitted my application to Apple’s WWDC 2016 student scholarship 2 days ago. It seems like every year I really want to do this, but this year I finally did. It feels like a great accomplishment, even if I don’t win. I’ve been learning Swift ever since The Swift Programming Language book dropped at WWDC 2014, but I’ve always struggled with Cocoa frameworks because there’s just so much there to learn.